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Stranger Things 3 - Episode 6: E Pluribus Unum
Under the mall, Steve and Dustin recognize the gate and immediately realize the situation is worse than they thought. Suddenly the alarm...
Stranger Things 3 - Episode 5: The Flayed
The Scoops Troop continues to fall, panicking all the while until they come to a sudden stop. There's a latch on the ceiling and the gang...
Stranger Things 3 - Episode 4: The Sauna Test
We open to Eleven brushing her teeth at Max's, I think she's starting to suspect the Mind Flayer is in Billy. Max introduces her to...
Stranger Things 3 - Episode 3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Max and El are hanging out in El's room back at the Cabin where Max introduces El to 80s teen heartthrob Ralph Machio, AKA the Karate...
Stranger Things 3 - Episode 2: The Mallrats
Billy escapes from the basement of the steelworks and takes off in his car. Finding a phonebooth (remember those?) he calls 911 but ends...
Stranger Things 3 - Episode 1: Suzie, Do You Copy?
Okay, so this is going to be a little different. When I reviewed the final season of Game of Thrones I did its episode by episode....
A Brief Update
So my next post is going to be a very detailed review of Stranger Things 3, which could take awhile since I want to go through it...
Some thoughts on The Elder Scrolls
Bethesda has had a rough year, to put it mildly. Fallout 76 was an absolute disaster that continued to get worse as it rolled downhill....
Stranger Things 3 Final Trailer Breakdown
Well folks, it's almost here. We're only two weeks away from the premiere of Stranger Things 3 and the final trailer dropped yesterday....
E3 2019 Snoozefest
Hey folks, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is going to be short. E3 was, in a word, disappointing. There's only a handful of...
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